We meet different kind of people in our day to day life, odd, even, good, bad , ugly,sad .Its not their appearance that I am talking about, but its the way they behave that matters the most, coz by the end of the day thats what makes us who we are.....
Different people make one feel differently. Two complete strangers, about whom you do not know anything at all , but after sometime , maybe fifteen minutes or half an hour , one gets to know the kind of people they are , may be not a detailed summary but certain bare essentials. On the contrary certain mysteries take more than a life time to be solved. Its true that one needs time to understand someone, but certain meetings are best if declared the last.
There are people who like to do all the talking, giving the other person little chance to answer , this is the kind who have "self importance" typed on their forehead, while on the other hand there are those who are good listeners but great observers , you never know the amount of data they might have collected about you in their mind, during the what you might think of as a simple conversation. The "much amused about life" kinds, start giggling the moment they meet someone, as if the world is a circus and they are the sole and the greatest spectators. You can't help but feel sorry for them, maybe they just find a mirror in everyother person , in which they can see their reflection and laugh on it !
But in this image gallery their is a huge section of those who make you feel, that life is like a pleasant morning with a beautiful sunrise, coz they know how to make one feel special, they have the great magic spell of bringing a smile on the face of those whom they come across. You meet them and you know that their smile is contagious enough to last you a life time.
Thank God that life comes in different colours , different moods and different shades .......theres darkness countered by light, theres better attached to the best , every evening has a beautiful morning , and every tear is hugged by a smile which makes our life worth each while .
"...there's darkness countered by light, there's better attached to the best , every evening has a beautiful morning , and every tear is hugged by a smile which makes our life worth each while..."
Amen to that. You've surmised beautifully, the essence of living and survival. May your life reflect the happiness, that you bring to others... for your contagious smile brings many more to others.
Heartiest wishes 2u2:)
I have friends of all the varieties you have mentioned and the diversity makes life an enjoyable one.Each type acts as a foil to the other.Quite an imaginative write up
Thanks Mr. K.P.
Beautifully written. You have clearly expressed that some people are outrageously ridiculous in their behaviour while some others are very warm and loving. Thank you for this lovely post, Sana. Best wishes :)
Thanks Ayesha best wishes 2u2:)
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