Thursday, November 20, 2008

The decision to move on

Today I read an article on moving on, where the writer talks about the fact that it is always practicle to move on when someone dosent seem to care for you, however close the relationship might be .
Is it really that easy to move on......easy I think is just not the word that can be taken into consideration. When you are in a relationship, be it of any kind, you give your all to it , every relationship is nurtured with care, its like a seed that you grow , the seed symbolises the attempt to come forward and commit yourself to a relationship.
You see it grow with time , it takes all your care, love and dedication. One fine day the seed grows into a fully grown plant , symbolising a relationship that blossoms with love, then one day you realise that the plant begins to wither away. A relationship that ones formed the very epitome of your life stagnates with time .
Will it be easy to leave it to rot and plant another one or decide to be on your own for the rest of your life ?
Relationship is a bitter journey crossing the thick and thins of life , when the ride seems to get bumpy its always good to change the road , the only problem being that no one knows what waits at the end of the new road .... a new beginning or a dead end.

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