Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Choicest Memories

Today is the last day of 2009, can we recall all that we did in the year that has passed, something productive, non-productive, exciting, new, repetative, monotonous, excellent, beyond expectations, helpful, painful, for bringing a smile, to start a new beginning....there is a looooong a way we got used to 2009 and when today it's time to say goodbye, let's take out time and recall a trail of events that brought a smile or invited a tear to run down our eyes.
What is it that we would really want to remember and would love to bring along with us into 2010?? Think about it , because that's something that would turn into a lasting memory :)

Years would keep passing by, life would move on, but what's important is that each year leaves a pleasant memory that would move on with us and by the end of our journey, a collection of memories would give us company and we would have a reason to smile..a smile of contentment...a smile of fulfillment.. and a smile that would make us complete.
May the coming year and many more leave imprints of beautiful memories and bright sunny days that would bring a lovely shine to our lives!

A Very Happy 2010 to all my fellow bloggers, walking hand in hand with your thoughts has been an amazing experience for me, something that I would take along when I enter the years yet to come :)


Samvedna said...

Wish you a very happy, healthy and prosperous year ahead!!!

Whirlwind said...

Happy New year!! Have a great 2010!!

S.A.L. said...

Wish you a very happy new year!

Writers Anonymous said...

Hi Sana, wish you and your family a very happy and prosperous new year!

Joseph Pulikotil said...

Hi Sana:)

Greetings and good wishes for the New Year:)

To tell you honestly I did'nt know how the days flew in 2009. So many things happened and passed away in the twinkling of an eye. I can say with satisfaction that I made quite a few good blog friends whose friendship I highly value. Blogging has kept me busy looking for stories, photos and kept moving around searching places of interest. I learnt many things visiting blogs. I also felt very happy when someone wrote something nice about me.

My business also keeps me occupied and helps me to meet people.

It is always a great pleasure to visit your lovely blog which is thought provoking. Your style of presenting ideas is very unique and original and I learnt quite a lot from you.

Your photos are lovely.

Wishing you abundant happiness, success and prosperity in the New Year:)

Princess said...

hi Sana dear..
something very close to what I was thinking about the new year's arrival :D



Arlee Bird said...

It's better and more productive to remember the happy things to carry us forward and lift us above the difficulties in life. So many times people will dwell upon the negative memories which eventually bog them down and darken the future.

You have expressed the right idea.

A New Beginning said...

A very happy new year all my friends here. May God bless you with loads of happiness :)