Monday, July 13, 2009

A Quest

Sometimes our inner self responds to our queries,
the ones we have and the ones of which we are wary.
It explains what it is to be who we are,
deep like an ocean or as innocent as a flower.
The inner self has a soul of its own,
Flowing through times, while holding on to our roots for sure,
Be it a sacred journey, or an unfamiliar path of life,
the self responds to all with a distinct voice,
a voice that we fall short of understanding,
the voice that defines who we are,
our real demeanor,
the veiled identity.


Sarah Naveen said...

I am always amazed and amused by all your writings...
It feels so good when i read it...U have got a wonderful skill dear..!!!!
I am happy that we found each others blog!!!!

Unknown said...

Lovely post again!

A New Beginning said...

Hi Sarah,the feeling's mutual:)
Thanks for the warm comment.

Hi Issam, thank you for your consistent encouragement:)

Manivannan Sadasivam said...

Very meaningful poem sana. Well written!

Have a great day :-)

Whirlwind said...

Very true. The inner call is the most important one in our lives. Great post!

കിരണ്‍ said...

Everything will be a wonder then.
Shift from "Err.. Nothing extra ordinary" to "Ah..! Extraordinary" even when we do not know how it happens!!

Have you gone for The Art of Living?
I swear you are going to enjoy it, once you go for it, if you haven't yet..

Just see!!

A New Beginning said...

Hey!Thanks Mani and Whirlwind, u guys are really encouraging:)
Hey Kiran,art of living!sounds interesting:) Will definately find out about it!Thanks ya, and thanks for the beautiful words."Everything will be a wonder then.
Shift from "Err.. Nothing extra ordinary" to "Ah..! Extraordinary" even when we do not know how it happens",:)
Take care all of u!

Mahesh Sindbandge said...

I think everyone who reads it, can really relate it with have given that very touch to it ,which a reader loves to feel while reading.

Glad to find this blog. :-)

See you around.


Writers Anonymous said...

"...a voice that we fall short of understanding,
the voice that defines who we are,
our real demeanor,
the veiled identity."
Very meaningful indeed! We really never get to know our own real self.

A New Beginning said...

@Mahesh,Hey thanks and see u around!
@Amritbir, hey!glad u liked it, do come again

Confessions of a Wandering Soul said...

How profound and enlightening. Thank You :)

Margaret Cloud said...

I enjoyed reading your poem, very meaningful. Hope you are having a great week and thank you for coming by.

Mustaf said...

This is so true, if we can just listen to our inner self, most of our problems will be solved and we will be at peace. Specially when we are in a dilemma whether to listen to our heart or to our brain, I believe it is the inner self that takes control and shows us the right path.

And about your writing, your words are so beautiful that i have lost mine :-)