Its the 31st of December, a clear but cold morning winding up it's chores and getting ready to make its way towards a new year.
Some people say that a new year is just another year in their life, a new morning, a new sunrise and like always the beginning of a new day. Perhaps partially they're right, coz sometimes life seems as if nothing has changed, but at times the changes are so drastic, that we can't help but not only notice them but can feel their glare that goes right through us.
Change does take place, a change that brings along a year that hopes for the better.Change is inevitable and I guess essential, coz it preserves us from stagnation. Change changes the way we think, the way we perceive reality and yes with loads of happiness it does bring along the pain of separation, separation from the yesterday that we loved coz a new today is quite unfamiliar, alien to our nature, our likes and dislikes...but I guess thats how life keeps us on our toes, tossing us from the old to a new and giving us a chance to move on.
This new year too will make flowers blossom and trees sway to it's tune...a new tune that would give way to a row of happy days and months in our life..till another new year opens it's eyes :)
Days have passed and months on end,
flowers had bloomed and seasons did blend..
love,loss,blessings and perhaps fear,
rose in the cradle of the passing year...
Now it's time to bloom a new,
A crisp new year is waiting for you :)
A Very Happy New Year to all my fellow bloggers, may the new year bring loads of happiness in your life. Amen :))
Some people say that a new year is just another year in their life, a new morning, a new sunrise and like always the beginning of a new day. Perhaps partially they're right, coz sometimes life seems as if nothing has changed, but at times the changes are so drastic, that we can't help but not only notice them but can feel their glare that goes right through us.
Change does take place, a change that brings along a year that hopes for the better.Change is inevitable and I guess essential, coz it preserves us from stagnation. Change changes the way we think, the way we perceive reality and yes with loads of happiness it does bring along the pain of separation, separation from the yesterday that we loved coz a new today is quite unfamiliar, alien to our nature, our likes and dislikes...but I guess thats how life keeps us on our toes, tossing us from the old to a new and giving us a chance to move on.
This new year too will make flowers blossom and trees sway to it's tune...a new tune that would give way to a row of happy days and months in our life..till another new year opens it's eyes :)
Days have passed and months on end,
flowers had bloomed and seasons did blend..
love,loss,blessings and perhaps fear,
rose in the cradle of the passing year...
Now it's time to bloom a new,
A crisp new year is waiting for you :)
A Very Happy New Year to all my fellow bloggers, may the new year bring loads of happiness in your life. Amen :))
May this new year fill your life with sweetest memories to cherish forever. And warmth of those whom the heart holds close, Filled with joyous moments and lots of happiness, for you and your dear ones A very Happy New Year
A very happy new year to you and every one around you...
yes changes take place , people change there views so much so they change there HEARTS even but no worries thats Life :)
2011 will be goood :) Happy new year ...
A very happy new year. Nice writeup.
Change and change it does- people and the world around. Those who dont become moribund. Some change for good and some to fall into the dumps .
Let change happen in your life as bright as the daily rising sun ...
May 2011 be of happiness for you too
"All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy, for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter into another"
Anatole France.
Have a successful New Year.
New year Sana.:)
Wish you a very happy new year Sana :)
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