Its 2:59 at night, well yes precisely 2:59 lolz! Cant sleep but can think.....guess all of us can do that easily :)
Can see the night sky from my window, beautiful spread of black velvet , with a bit of sparkle spread here and there ...yes, you've guessed it right, its the stars!
Tress are swaying with the wind, birds have closed their nests, no popping heads , no chirping, no nothing.....complete silence.
Its Diwali tomorrow, by the way, happy Diwali everyone :)) The night is just waiting for a day of celebration, may be that's why it sees so still....
Today is the 5th of Nov, Friday, year 2010, a few more weeks to go , then a night would come in my life too, that would wait for a festival that would follow the next day....the festival that would celebrate a new beginning.....
I really don't know when months became weeks and now I see weeks changing into days ...strange....is time running or am I trying to catch hold of the few moments left on my mothers side....I would keep meeting her for sure...but is it gonna be the same?????????
Dear Sleepless Night,
Let sleep descend on my minds eye, so that I can wake up to welcome a beautiful tomorrow fast proceeding towards me .....
Good bye Sleepless night coz I feel sleep descending on me ..................................................................
Can see the night sky from my window, beautiful spread of black velvet , with a bit of sparkle spread here and there ...yes, you've guessed it right, its the stars!
Tress are swaying with the wind, birds have closed their nests, no popping heads , no chirping, no nothing.....complete silence.
Its Diwali tomorrow, by the way, happy Diwali everyone :)) The night is just waiting for a day of celebration, may be that's why it sees so still....
Today is the 5th of Nov, Friday, year 2010, a few more weeks to go , then a night would come in my life too, that would wait for a festival that would follow the next day....the festival that would celebrate a new beginning.....
I really don't know when months became weeks and now I see weeks changing into days ...strange....is time running or am I trying to catch hold of the few moments left on my mothers side....I would keep meeting her for sure...but is it gonna be the same?????????
Dear Sleepless Night,
Let sleep descend on my minds eye, so that I can wake up to welcome a beautiful tomorrow fast proceeding towards me .....
Good bye Sleepless night coz I feel sleep descending on me ..................................................................
Getting married, Sana? I know how disconcerting those few days left can feel!! Wishing u a Happy Diwali and a very very happy year ahead.. wishing you new beginnings and wonderful days.
is anything special happening in near future? all the best for that and happy diwali to u too... take care and wish u a wonderful life ahead...
Time sure does fly!! Before we know it we are already entering new phases in our lives.:)
WEll fist of all a happy diwali and you getting married i hear or see :) excellent Congrats
All the best and may all the happiness come your way.. God bless
I know the sleeples night although mine at the moment are for entirely different reasons :)
you take care and all the best
Time's flying indeed. Before you know it, the next Diwali arrives! And you'll have one more member in the family, your better half, right?! Best wishes!
Season's greetings and best wishes for a wonderful and happy life ahead
Happy Diwali to you too.
New beginning continues for you...
hey there, hope all your days go well :). trying to hold on to something makes it slip by faster ;(
a few more weeks.. im waiting to see what the festival is ;)
A very Happy Diwali to all my blogger friends, you do ignite the diyas of encouragement and happiness with your beautiful comments!!All the very Best to all of you!May this Diwali and the ones that follow, bring a lot of happiness in your life :)))
Happy Diwali to you Sana. i know you wrote a post recently mentioning your engagement. So, i think, your wedding day is nearing. It certainly a major change in a girl's life. Congratulations and wish you all best.
Happy Diwali,Sana.
Theis is the best time.A time to dream.Have wonderful days ahead.
I loved your expressions and the way you chose to tell the feelings that has engulfed you . Have beautiful nights and days .
gee... you getting that nervous huh? don't worry first time it's always like that. next marriage you'll be fine. :P
May happiness gather around you, dear Sana.
Maybe your sleepless nights has to do with getting married, that is a big step in ones life. I like your picture, makes me think of Halloween. You do know that our minds are always awake, that is why we dream. Happy Diwali.
Hi Sana,
Although you are trying to clothe the new beginning in a mystery,everything can be read between the lines. In any case I don't want to solve the riddle until you come forward to do it. Whatever it is,let me wish you a wonderful New Beginning with all happiness and joy.
Best wishes,
Hope this beginning brings all joys of the world to you.
Your love grows by day and remains constant forever your mortal life.
My Blessings and Love to you!
God's bountiful blessings fall upon you and your dear ones for always.
Happy New Year 2011 Sana.
Long time no see.
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