I feel that life is a big question mark, at times things get really tough and sometimes the road ahead looks quite clear, sometimes seasons leave a happy flavour on our mind and sometimes a day looks as if it'll take forever to complete....Innumerable question marks and our search for their answers ...its a never ending process.
At times the sun feels a little too bright and sometimes the rays just seep in and make you feel happy and full of joy.... the rain drops almost everytime manage to capture that trapped smile of ours and make it spread gleefully all over us and at time our mud soaked clothes get the devil out of us :)
The moon has a tranqulizing effect, but when it reflects someone far away, it brings tears to our eyes...
Flowers bloom for a reason, to bring joy to this world...they perish when we even after looking at them, see through their beauty... when we stop and cherish the wonders of the world, that includes a little flower growing in our garden...the world adorns a different colour and looks surprisingly beautiful.....
Sometimes I feel it's a fact for sure , that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder...otherwise why would a poet find a barren desert beautiful and would end up writng a poem on it ...
Life sure is beautiful , even if at times we feel it lets us down...coz when we set the horizons of our mind free to capture its beauty, life sure turns to the brighter side...it's what we call the brighter side of life :)
At times the sun feels a little too bright and sometimes the rays just seep in and make you feel happy and full of joy.... the rain drops almost everytime manage to capture that trapped smile of ours and make it spread gleefully all over us and at time our mud soaked clothes get the devil out of us :)
The moon has a tranqulizing effect, but when it reflects someone far away, it brings tears to our eyes...
Flowers bloom for a reason, to bring joy to this world...they perish when we even after looking at them, see through their beauty... when we stop and cherish the wonders of the world, that includes a little flower growing in our garden...the world adorns a different colour and looks surprisingly beautiful.....
Sometimes I feel it's a fact for sure , that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder...otherwise why would a poet find a barren desert beautiful and would end up writng a poem on it ...
Life sure is beautiful , even if at times we feel it lets us down...coz when we set the horizons of our mind free to capture its beauty, life sure turns to the brighter side...it's what we call the brighter side of life :)
This one has really touched my heart, Sana! So beautifully expressed. Thanks :)
Very well written. Kudos to you. I am reminded of a song by Vega 4. A few lines go like this:
Life is beautiful
But it's complicated, we barely make it
We don't need to understand
There are miracles, miracles
Goodness that was yet another prose in verse form. Your summation about the moon was beautiful.
If life always went the way we want then it may be a different proposition altogether. Perhaps all these little beauties are around in nature so that when the going is bad, is painful we could sit back notice the beauty and the wonder in those little things and let out a deep breath of satisfaction.
Life is beautiful but its nevr fair.
True one of the greatest mysteries in the world is that thing called Life.
Hello Sana:)
Lovely word portraits depicting life's journeys in this ephemeral world.
If we don't go through the ups and downs,the joys and sorrows,happiness and disappointments,success and failure,good feeling and bad feelings,negative and positive side of everything, the life will be absolutely dull and boring.
Best wishes Sana:)
very poetic and subtle, your words flow gently like dew drops on leaves in an early winter morning...
well its a life
a song from Mother India
jivan mein agar aaye ho to jina hi padega
jivan ha ek zahar to pina hi padega
Beautiful post Sana. You've expressed your thoughts so admirably!
Yes, life is indeed beautiful, irrespective of the ups and downs in the journey.
Let us bend ? into !
Regarding the beauty it seems to be true, its all how well we project the beauty :-)
Keep writing!! Keep writing !!
Im glad it did Ayesha, your appreciation means a lot :)
Thanks for sharing those lines SG, they're beautiful :)
Very True Anil, totally agree with you!
Yes Samvedna, but thats life :)
Swetha, thats something I swear by :)Its a mystery indeed!!
Very True Mr. Joseph, thanks for the lovely comment:)
Jayant I guess your comments even better :)
Yes Himanushu....by life has a brighter side...I think the word poison doesnt figure in it :)
Thanks Mani , thats true indeed :))
True Kiran, thanks!!:)
You could almost feel the sunbeam touching you as you read. Yes, if we will, life is beautiful, by grace of God.
I feel the same way, life at times is beautiful and sometimes never fair. We just have to move on with the flow and thinking positive thoughts, I know it is hard at times. A very nice thought provoking post. Thank you for coming by and have a nice weekend.
Nice post Sana :)
Thanks for your warn comments kk, Margaret and A :)
Beautiful thoughts which leaves the reader thinking along those lines too. You're 'contagious' Lols! :-)
lolz Ellen,is that really true..:)))
it was like a poem.. covered lots of things in a few lines.. nicely written :)
Thanks Amal :)
beautiful insight dear friend.
howz u?
Im fine Aiz, hope youre good :)
Hello Sana:)
Many thanks for your latest comment on my post.
I came to see if you have posted any thing new.It is a long time since you made a new post.Perhaps you are busy.
God bless you:)
Yes indeed life is a question mark and that too a big one.. But we all know all question marks have an answer though it depends what the answer is ...
and yeah the search for answers is never ending...
and YES beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder...
and YES life is BEAUTIFULLLLL Very beautiful...
Hope you are ok
Hello Mr. Joseph and Bikram, Im fine , just a bit busy, will surely publish something new soon :)
Life is full of the unexpected.It is beautiful at times,and splendid colored,but also frightening at other times.It is kind to some,but not to all.
Just take what it gives you.
I read somewhere." If life gives you lemons,make lemonade".
So very true Dr. Antony :)
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