When a new phase starts in ones life, everything seems a little different, or maybe its just the heart that observes and enjoys the positive change.
I got engaged yesterday. It was amazing, surrounded by the whole family,immediate,extended, friends and no foes :)It was just out of the world, everyone seemed to be in a chirpy mood!It felt as if my family was waiting for me to grow up and give them a chance to enjoy themselves...and yes they did enjoy!
A day before the occasion, my aunt came to me with a beautiful present, a lovely Saree made with the most beautiful colours....she had tears in her eyes...she hugged me as if I was about to leave at that very moment...I too was in tears. There are so many things that give us a reason to thank God, the people who love and care for us top the list!
It's good to know that there are people who love us so much that they try to do everything under their control to make us happy. As I received my present, I thought about the maid who works in our house and her daughters impending marriage...she has no one to make even the simplest arrangements for her, she requests the people she works for to help her during the occasion...Her daughter has no one who can gift her a beautiful saree..no one who can make lavish arrangements for her marriage..yet she's happy...happy about the fact that she'd start a new phase in her life and looks forward to it...God has given each one us a portion of his choicest wealth..he has bestowed the poor with the gift of contentment..they live happily with whatever they have and try to adjust in every situation...I won't say they are really happy with the fact...but you wont see them cribbing 24/7 , unlike us who even crib about the colour of our dress, the fact that we are fat or too thin, the fact that there's a bit of a problem here and there....In all this cribbing and crying we fail to notice that God has bestowed us with the things that other people crave for..while we crib about the colour of our walls, a person somewhere prays for a little shelter that would just save him from the harsh showers of nature!
Sharing what we have and thanking God for all that he's given us would definitely make us a better human being...that's precisely why God didn't make everyone equal....he wanted us to level the world with love so that each individual enjoys the gift of love and affection .
So share the love that's bestowed on you and make it a chain reaction!
I got engaged yesterday. It was amazing, surrounded by the whole family,immediate,extended, friends and no foes :)It was just out of the world, everyone seemed to be in a chirpy mood!It felt as if my family was waiting for me to grow up and give them a chance to enjoy themselves...and yes they did enjoy!
A day before the occasion, my aunt came to me with a beautiful present, a lovely Saree made with the most beautiful colours....she had tears in her eyes...she hugged me as if I was about to leave at that very moment...I too was in tears. There are so many things that give us a reason to thank God, the people who love and care for us top the list!
It's good to know that there are people who love us so much that they try to do everything under their control to make us happy. As I received my present, I thought about the maid who works in our house and her daughters impending marriage...she has no one to make even the simplest arrangements for her, she requests the people she works for to help her during the occasion...Her daughter has no one who can gift her a beautiful saree..no one who can make lavish arrangements for her marriage..yet she's happy...happy about the fact that she'd start a new phase in her life and looks forward to it...God has given each one us a portion of his choicest wealth..he has bestowed the poor with the gift of contentment..they live happily with whatever they have and try to adjust in every situation...I won't say they are really happy with the fact...but you wont see them cribbing 24/7 , unlike us who even crib about the colour of our dress, the fact that we are fat or too thin, the fact that there's a bit of a problem here and there....In all this cribbing and crying we fail to notice that God has bestowed us with the things that other people crave for..while we crib about the colour of our walls, a person somewhere prays for a little shelter that would just save him from the harsh showers of nature!
Sharing what we have and thanking God for all that he's given us would definitely make us a better human being...that's precisely why God didn't make everyone equal....he wanted us to level the world with love so that each individual enjoys the gift of love and affection .
So share the love that's bestowed on you and make it a chain reaction!
Congrats and all good wishes for the new phase that is going to be in your life.
I cannot really understand why God is partial and discriminatory with the blessings he shower on people and the manna he sends for some. Strange are his ways!
It is indeed the fortune of all fortune that one has people who love and care for you.That is blessing indeed and nothing can beat that.
Cribbing is mans nature. And while we are more concerned about what we want and not what we need this attitude will be with us. I guess it was Gandhi who said,'there is plenty in this world for mans need but not for his greed'.
Hearty congratulations on your happy engagement.
You have beautifully explained that the wealth given in excess to the fortunate few is meant to be shared with the needy and indigent and has been given by God to be held in trust.A wonderful post as ever
Congratulations! True, we crib about the most trivial of things. And only when we come across people who seem to be content with their lives inspite of hardships, do we understand how foolish we've been in wasting away our lives being unhappy, when all it takes is love and loved ones around us to make us happy.
Congrats Sana.:)Hope you have a wonderful life ahead.
Hello Sana:)
You have stated the facts of life without mincing words. While poor people live with practically nothing, we who are blessed with so many things in life grumble and complain and the more we have the more we want.
But at the same time poor people are close to God where as people with all the things think very little of God. Having things makes them convinced that they have these things through their own merit and without the blessings of God.
Jesus said that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God.Again when a rich man approached Jesus and asked HIM how he can enter the kingdom of God, Jesus told him to sell all his property and follow HIM.The rich man just vanished.
This is a wonderful post Sana and an eye opener for all.
Best wishes:)
Only you can thin of something like this while writing about engagement. God Bless You and give you lots of everything because He knows that you will share it.:)
An award awaits you at my blog
tis the season of wedding and engagements. congratulations... :)
i hope your fiancee knows what he's getting in to...;)
I'm happy for you. Have a blast. :)
Congratulations, this is a wonderful time of ones life. I wish you happiness for the days to come. I think we are being tested by God to see how giving we are and how selfish. Have a nice week.
Congratulations and celebrations.. I had a link to your other blog, hence i did not see this .. Sorry for the belated WISHES PARTYyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
God is a Funny person really you never know who he will shower with blessings and who not ..
I guess his ways He knows best, we will never understand .. All this is LIFE some are happy with what they have , some will never be happy even if they have a WHOLE LOAD.. or everything ..
All the best when is the D day... :)
Thanks Anil, I guess we just need to give loads of thanks to God and help those who are in need..thats the least we can do :)
Thanks GP, and I agree with you!
Thanks RGB and thats a beaustiful comment :)
Thanks Swetha :)
Thanks Mr. Joseph, I dont know about the post, but your comment sure is an eye opener!
Thanks KK :)
LOLz , I dont know about that Ajai, but all I can say is ..Im happy to be a part of his life :)
Thanks for the wishes and the lovely comment Margaret!:)
Thanks Bikram!!!Will be decided soon :)
Congratulations Sana. I am so happy for you. I pray God for your long and happy and peaceful married life.
Sorry to be commenting this late. I don't know how I missed this post these 3 days.
Thanks Sg :) Youre right on time!!:)
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Congrats on you engagement, wish you all the happiness in life!!!
yes god hasnt made everybody equal for the resons you mentioned, plus because we get everything according to our karma.
I dopnt like cribbers at all.
and you have been tagged.
This blog fits with your name 'A New Beginning'....congrats.
Sana :-) All the best wishes for you...
Let you feel thankfully blessed moment to moment..!
By the way I got a wonderful read online, like to share that with you. Send a mail to wavestakeme@gmail.com and I will reply u with the attachment.!
Congrats Sana :) I know what you mean. Its almost as if life is rosy & colourful and nothing will ever go wrong. While not entirely true, its good to set off in that spirit :)
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