Tuesday, January 26, 2010

We Need to Move on....

"No one can go back and change a bad beginning, but anyone can start anything anytime and create a successful ending."
After reading this quote today I thought, how exciting it would have been if we had come to this world with a pencil and an eraser...a special eraser that would have given us the power to erase, a day or a moment in life that we would never like to think about ever again, certain misunderstandings that we would like to erase and set them right with the special pencil....everything would have been so easy...but then as every discovery has a demerit, this too would have had one.." no lessons for the future"..."no regrets what so ever"....leading to ultimate self destruction, because sometimes it's very important to recall, all that went wrong and to promise oneself that it would never be repeated, so that by the end of our life, peace, happiness and contentment become our constant companions.
We want things the way we want them to be, but least do we realise that it's very important to let life flow the way God had willed it to...we humans can work hard and do our best, our mistakes make us learn the difference between right and wrong, each day in our life becomes an important lesson for us, our endeavours make our destiny unfold like a soft flower that wants to capture the maximum amount of happy rays of the sun.
Life and everything that happens during its course is important...we need to move on....learn from the past mistakes and hope while working hard to carve out a great future ahead...what would happen or has happened ..."had to happen"....we need to move on.
Life is like a perennial river, it cannot afford to stand still and stagnate...the moment it does..it's the end of it.


Samvedna said...

Beautiful....best is...We want things the way we want them to be, but least do we realise that it's very important to let life flow the way God had willed it to...I would like to remember it forever.

S.A.L. said...

Very nice post. I guess as we don't have that pencil and eraser, so our life hasn't come to a standstill yet. Just imagine, if I wish to win, and my rival wish to win at the same time, there'll be an explosion! That's exactly when randomness/God's will saves the day!

Margaret Cloud said...

Another great post, and your thoughts on life are very interesting. I know what you mean about erasing wrongful things in our life. I think what bothers us the most is not being able to go back but if we live our lives as God wants us to we will be okay, after all he forgives us and puts us at ease, so we can go on to face another day. Thank you for coming by.

A New Beginning said...

Very true Antarman :) and thanks for your encouraging comments :)

Lol right Shoemitha!But marks are an indicator of how hard we've worked, they are not our wrong doing ;)

I agree with your Margaret :) You too have a great day!!

Whirlwind said...

Agree with you. Sometimes one would either like an eraser to eliminate certain incidents in ones life or a time machine in order to go back in time and change the course of events.

A New Beginning said...

Lets make one Shwetha ;)

Writers Anonymous said...

A beautiful post! My favourite quote about life is: "Life goes on" (Robert Frost).
Thanks for sharing such inspiring thoughts.

Ellen said...

I love this.....

"Life and everything that happens during its course is important...we need to move on....learn from the past mistakes and hope while working hard to carve out a great future ahead...what would happen or has happened ..."had to happen"....we need to move on."

Blessings to you and yours.
Have a wonderful weekend.

Jayant Post said...

a positive attitude towards life... accepting life as it is instead of complaining on how it should have been... lovely thoughts carved artistically...

കിരണ്‍ said...

Hi Sana, When you said about the life river, I remembered that the river is so old and so new each moment at any place...

Like us :-)
And here is a gift link for you :-)
Bookmark it if you find it worth

Ayesha Parveen said...

Beautiful words, and a great picture. Thanks, Sana.

Best wishes :)

A New Beginning said...

Yup Amrit Life goes on :)

Thnaks Ellen, Wishing you and your family a joyous week ahead!

Thanks Jayant :)

Thanks for the link Kiran, thats very sweet of you :)

Thanks to you too Ayesha :)

SindhuBhairavi said...

nice pic.. and a well expressed post.. yes i too believe that the challenge in living is to make life enjoyable and beautiful by solving the problems we face and learning from them.. else life would be truly so boring..!

Joseph Pulikotil said...

Hi Sana:)

Your photo has a great relevance to your post. Life flows fast like the water in the picture and will not stop what ever may be the obstacle. Just as the water gets around the rocks we have to steer life rapidly in difficult situation that might come in our way.

We have only one chance to live our life and if we commit blunders we will reap the consequences. If we know how to learn from our mistakes then probably we will do well and not repeat the mistakes.

Your post contains amazing wisdom and useful information.

Have a nice day Sana:)

A New Beginning said...

Hey Sindhu thats a very pretty snap of yours :)I agree with you!Have a great week ahead!

Hello Mr. Joseph!It's always great to recieve a comment from you..truely enlightening :)Thanks for the precious words of wisdom and have a great week ahead!

Karmalized Girl said...

Hello :) I love your writing and this post is ever so true. This past year was one of my most difficult yet and I thought there was NO WAY all this "bad" stuff could lead me to where I needed to go, but I am here now, happier than ever before.

Thank you for stopping by my blog karmalizedlife and sharing yours.

Princess said...

//because sometimes it's very important to recall, all that went wrong and to promise oneself that it would never be repeated//

so true.. well said Sana :)