"No one can go back and change a bad beginning, but anyone can start anything anytime and create a successful ending."
After reading this quote today I thought, how exciting it would have been if we had come to this world with a pencil and an eraser...a special eraser that would have given us the power to erase, a day or a moment in life that we would never like to think about ever again, certain misunderstandings that we would like to erase and set them right with the special pencil....everything would have been so easy...but then as every discovery has a demerit, this too would have had one.." no lessons for the future"..."no regrets what so ever"....leading to ultimate self destruction, because sometimes it's very important to recall, all that went wrong and to promise oneself that it would never be repeated, so that by the end of our life, peace, happiness and contentment become our constant companions.
We want things the way we want them to be, but least do we realise that it's very important to let life flow the way God had willed it to...we humans can work hard and do our best, our mistakes make us learn the difference between right and wrong, each day in our life becomes an important lesson for us, our endeavours make our destiny unfold like a soft flower that wants to capture the maximum amount of happy rays of the sun.
Life and everything that happens during its course is important...we need to move on....learn from the past mistakes and hope while working hard to carve out a great future ahead...what would happen or has happened ..."had to happen"....we need to move on.
Life is like a perennial river, it cannot afford to stand still and stagnate...the moment it does..it's the end of it.
After reading this quote today I thought, how exciting it would have been if we had come to this world with a pencil and an eraser...a special eraser that would have given us the power to erase, a day or a moment in life that we would never like to think about ever again, certain misunderstandings that we would like to erase and set them right with the special pencil....everything would have been so easy...but then as every discovery has a demerit, this too would have had one.." no lessons for the future"..."no regrets what so ever"....leading to ultimate self destruction, because sometimes it's very important to recall, all that went wrong and to promise oneself that it would never be repeated, so that by the end of our life, peace, happiness and contentment become our constant companions.
We want things the way we want them to be, but least do we realise that it's very important to let life flow the way God had willed it to...we humans can work hard and do our best, our mistakes make us learn the difference between right and wrong, each day in our life becomes an important lesson for us, our endeavours make our destiny unfold like a soft flower that wants to capture the maximum amount of happy rays of the sun.
Life and everything that happens during its course is important...we need to move on....learn from the past mistakes and hope while working hard to carve out a great future ahead...what would happen or has happened ..."had to happen"....we need to move on.
Life is like a perennial river, it cannot afford to stand still and stagnate...the moment it does..it's the end of it.