"I simply remember my favorite things And then I don't feel so bad."
("My Favorite Things" is a show tune from the 1959 Rodgers and Hammerstein musical "The Sound of Music".)
Isn't it true, that whenever we think of our favourite things, the stress and confusions in life, gives way to thorough delight and peace. Yes, it's important to remember the good things in life, coz the glass is not always half empty, it can be half filled with hope and unquenchable desires, that play on our lap, ever happy, ever changing, like the many faces of the moon.
Sometimes life comes to a halt, the fragrance around us changes into a stale smell that lingers around us, but when such a thing happens, it's very important to look outside the window and breath afresh, as the world longs for one , who can spill the beans of happiness wherever they are ...that's why it is said, be in a good company, and be a good company. Sadness is a temporary phase, stuck to the walls of our eye lid, we just need to flap them and let the day light uncover the beauty of the world around us...
Just simply remember your favourite things in life and all the bad will turn into a phase growing towards all the good in the world.
Life is an exam, a difficult one for that matter, one does not need to look around for clues to solve it, Just look within and you'll find all your answers.....seek for peace within, it is the inner peace that would result in the outer calm and happiness.
Life is beautiful, just rub a few favourites on it's lamp like surface and it'll lighten up with beautiful memories, gearing you up for a great future ahead!
My Version of the song "My favourite Things",
Grand ma and grandpa and stories of castles,
Love in the air like the rain in great flashes,
Two little boats sailing right down a stream,
These are a few of my favourite things.
Big warm hands, that soak all my fear,
White spread of sheets soaked in mornings so clear,
Bright blue big sky with kites in early springs,
These are a few of my favourite things.
Friends full of stories from here and from there,
Bright moonlit nights and those foggy winters,
Cold lazy mornings and mothers pleadings,
These are a few of my favourite things.
When the clouds dark,
when the wind blows,
when I'm feeling sad...
I simply remember my favourite things........and life doesn't seem, so bad!!!!!
("My Favorite Things" is a show tune from the 1959 Rodgers and Hammerstein musical "The Sound of Music".)
Isn't it true, that whenever we think of our favourite things, the stress and confusions in life, gives way to thorough delight and peace. Yes, it's important to remember the good things in life, coz the glass is not always half empty, it can be half filled with hope and unquenchable desires, that play on our lap, ever happy, ever changing, like the many faces of the moon.
Sometimes life comes to a halt, the fragrance around us changes into a stale smell that lingers around us, but when such a thing happens, it's very important to look outside the window and breath afresh, as the world longs for one , who can spill the beans of happiness wherever they are ...that's why it is said, be in a good company, and be a good company. Sadness is a temporary phase, stuck to the walls of our eye lid, we just need to flap them and let the day light uncover the beauty of the world around us...
Just simply remember your favourite things in life and all the bad will turn into a phase growing towards all the good in the world.
Life is an exam, a difficult one for that matter, one does not need to look around for clues to solve it, Just look within and you'll find all your answers.....seek for peace within, it is the inner peace that would result in the outer calm and happiness.
Life is beautiful, just rub a few favourites on it's lamp like surface and it'll lighten up with beautiful memories, gearing you up for a great future ahead!
My Version of the song "My favourite Things",
Grand ma and grandpa and stories of castles,
Love in the air like the rain in great flashes,
Two little boats sailing right down a stream,
These are a few of my favourite things.
Big warm hands, that soak all my fear,
White spread of sheets soaked in mornings so clear,
Bright blue big sky with kites in early springs,
These are a few of my favourite things.
Friends full of stories from here and from there,
Bright moonlit nights and those foggy winters,
Cold lazy mornings and mothers pleadings,
These are a few of my favourite things.
When the clouds dark,
when the wind blows,
when I'm feeling sad...
I simply remember my favourite things........and life doesn't seem, so bad!!!!!
no life is not bad .. we just gotto face some problems and sort them out.. thats all
and that was a lovely song .. thanks for sharing
Awesome post. Quality of your posts rocks.
True,the mere thought of favourite things lightens the burden in our minds.Beautifully said,Sana,in your inimitable style
Two things stand out in this post.
1- the thought such as this from an young mind
2- the pretty neat poem inspired by the original song.
How true it has to be "... I'm the master of my fate,
I'm the captain of my soul".
The alternate is cul de sac.
Indeed Bikram...sort them out and not to let go of the faith we have in ourselves and God!Thanks for appreciating:)
Thanks A :)
Thanks GP:)
Thanks for sharing the quote Anil:)
I love the movie and the song! Nice post Sana!
Thanks Swetha :)
Wonderful piece, Sana. And it brings back pleasant memories of old. Thanks for sharing. Blessings to you!
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