The sun shone on her face and penetrated deep into the unknown depths of her mind. She felt warm and comfortable. Minutes passed away easily and the clock ticked as usual. Life was perfect, with a strong belief that there was someone who loved deeply.
But what is it that was missing????
There were sounds that were still ringing, raising an urge to find more .....to explore, to develop , to raise ....
Alas the unquenchable thirst of man, always pushing us to find more.....But after all, that's what keeps us away from stagnation..........Our pursuit towards new unexplored horizons.......
True. What keeps us going is the zest towards the unknown and unexplored myseteries of life.
Very well said,Sana
The lure of the unknown and the challenge it offers has always been the driving force in the quest for discovery
A perfect understanding what we call life and what it should be!
well said Sana..
Thats how it shd be.. way to go gal..
There is no perfect situation in life.That is the lesson to remember.
We will always want for more, search for something, hoping, expecting, dreaming .... and won't stop until life is no more, I guess. That puts the life in our veins.
This is so true, we do need challenges in our life or we would stagnate, very well said. Thank you for coming by., have a nice week.
"...the unquenchable thirst of man, always pushing us to find more....." -- none else could be so true.
I don't know how I missed it. It is so awesome. It is been a while you posted this but I missed. Glad I found it.
Simply Speaking "A" Simple Blogger
it is a familiar feeling...we have it all, yet something seems amiss. its life. we need to respect the fulness of that moment, and that would be happiness.
lovely.. so true!! Life is always intriguing and mysterious.. Thats the good part.. isnt it??
You write very well.. Keep blogging.. :-)
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